Am I missing something?


Am I Missing Something?

As spring turns to summer, I find myself wrapped up in 16 hour work days.

Sure I find the time to catch an occasional Cubs game in the bleachers, and to shoot pool on my weekly Thursday league, but unlike most who do their best to enjoy their summers to the fullest, find myself inside, banging away at my keyboard most days and nights.

If it sounds like I'm complaining, I'm not. Despite the frustrations of the back end of the game, I love what I do, but making a freelance "living" in racing can be taxing at times.

My good bud Marcus Hersh often scolds me for boxing myself up in Illinois racing and not enjoying the best the game has to offer nearly as often as I should.

Sorry dude, I'm busy!

It's been a while since I engaged all of you in blog. To refresh your memories, I've been a champion of Curlin, and a Big Brown detractor.

Now I hear Curlin's connections have challenged the Big Brown one to a dirt match-up in New York. Big Brown's connections have downplayed the challenge, stating the horse came out of the Haskell tired, and that a September turf race will lead into a run at the BC Classic.

Curlin won't run in the Classic.

Can someone please tell me why?

He tried the turf. Even had thoughts of conquering the world in the Arc, but he won't sink his hooves into a synthetic surface?

Is it cause his buddy Pyro ran so bad in the Blue Grass?

Big Brown will be there. There's a lot of money on the line.

There's another worthy challenge. Curlin hasn't been one to duck a challenge, so why is he avoiding this one?

Is there something I'm missing?







on  August 14, 2008  at  2:26 PM

I think they are just afraid that if he (Curlin) doesn't win on synthetic his breeding fee will go down. I don't understand why they don't work him at one of these synthetic tracks, blow him out for five or six fulongs, see how he does, and then make a decision. Who knows, he might like it. Or maybe eveyone is making excuses so these two never meet. If Big Brown loses, his fees would possibly go down. So, the only thing your missing is what we all are missing. A race between these two horses.
on  August 15, 2008  at  4:58 PM
(ModifiedComment modified)

Hey Joe,
Caught you last week on the AP feed with a gal (forget her name) handicapping the Million card. Good thing I didn't listen to you, I'd have choked on all the chalk you threw out :).
I don't think we're missing anything. BIG BROWN's not the same dirt horse without the steroids and likely needs the forgiving synthetics for his ouchy feet and ankles (did you catch how he was getting out down the lane?). CURLIN hasn't exactly look dominating in his last two (G.1 grass loss and relatively slow G.1 Foster win) since returning from Dubai, perhaps he came back a bit too quick from that long journey?
How about finding a way to play against both colts the rest of the year?
on  August 16, 2008  at  9:22 AM

Judging by Curlin's grass effort, my guess is that the grass/synthetic path is a no win situation for his connections. On dirt, clearly there is no better animal. Why risk a high profile letdown on a surface that is not his best. Plus, let's not forget Santa Anita is getting a whole new artificial surface...too many unknowns.
AC: BB ran a 107 Beyer (no 3 yo has even sniffed that this year aside fomr his prior efforts) off of a long layoff (which was even longer considering he barely ran a step in the Belmont), while chasing loose speed that ran the race of his life, over a speed favoring track. Note that not one other horse in that race made up even an inch of ground. Visually, it looked pretty average, but if you really take the time to analyze it, the race was more than you could expect from him in that spot. Enough about the steroids already. He's run well with them on and off.
Insofar as playing against well media hyped chalk is concerned, I'm in general agreement if it's feasible, but I can't see any horse beating Curlin on dirt. BB is vulnerable against older and will be a huge underlay and strict play against in the BCup. Playing against monsters is great if you can find the right spot.
on  August 19, 2008  at  11:53 PM

I thought this web site was the official Steve Asmussen ass kissing shrine where the creators rip other trainers for their past suspensions but never talk about his cheatings, worship the ground of "loser-to-3rd-tier-grass-Euro" Curlin + underacheiver Pyslo. JK: Are you questioning your idol and Jess Jackson's current thoughts of bypassing the BC? Wow, I'm stunned!

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