Last, but certainly not least, I timed all the babies. Let's hope getting a leg up on the 2-year-olds leads to some future profit when they enter the starting gate for an actual race.

Clocker Toby Turrell - Horseplayer Pro

Toby, typical bulls**t every year @ Keeneland w/the babies: those with blinkers win 75% of the races, only the blinkers aren't reported in the PPs, which kills a lot of P3s and P4s. Is there any way when you make your report to note which babies worked with the shades?  That would be a serious jump start.

Comment/request from The Judge to Clocker Toby Turrell


Shortly after the only 2YO equipped with blinkers in Keeneland's first baby race of the year dusted the field, I wrote an e-mail to Rogers Beasley expressing the same sentiment as the Judge.  Clearly this non-reporting of blinkers on 1st time starters at time of entry is a loophole in the system that never was meant to be, and that trainers have been exploiting for years.

He wrote back saying, "they'd look into it, but probably not until after the meet has concluded."

First blinkers on any young horse is a huge angle, particularly sprinting.  On 2YOs going 4.5 furlongs, it's gigantic.  I don't know with certainty that the Judge's 75 percent winning rate is correct, but I wouldn't bet a dime against it.

If you're a horizontal player, you might want to take five minutes and drop Keeneland a line about this flaw in the system.  ([email protected])  You have nothing to lose; it's a quick, simple, painless fix for Keeneland; and they already have demonstrated a genuine willingness to listen to reason, and respond accordingly.

Short of getting these 1st shades reported in the PPs, just keep in mind the angle when the babies parade on the track.


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